How to Play Jenga

How to Play Jenga

Jenga Rules:

  • 1. Set it up.
  • 2. Who's turn is it anyway?
  • 3. Pull one block.
  • 4. Put one block.
  • 5. Next player.
  • 6. The end.
  • 7. The winner.

Whether its a small verson or a large version, the rules are the same. 

#1 SET IT UP : Lay 3 blocks at a time parallel to each other until they are all closely touching. The tighter your blocks the more sturdy your tower will be. Next stack 3 more blocks perpendicular to the original blocks until you now have 2 layers of blocks. Continue this process in sets of 3 blocks until all of the blocks are stacked.

#2 WHO'S TURN IS IT ANYWAY?: We like to play rock, paper, scissors in our house to determine who goes first but you can also flip a coin, go oldest to youngest or even play teams where you're partnered with a buddy who may win it all for you, or loose it all for you. 

#3 PULL ONE BLOCK: Once it's your turn, with one hand you must remove a block from the stack (which must be atleast 2 rows from the top). You may tap, touch, push or pull as many blocks as you would like until one is removed. Just keep in mind, you want the tower to remain stacked. 

#4 PUT ONE BLOCK: As long as the stack hasn't fallen yet, your good to put that block on top of the Jenga tower (no switching hands), perpendicular with the current full row. Players must complete one row before moving on to another row.

#5 NEXT PLAYER: It is now the next players turn once 10 seconds have passed or the Next player has touched a Jenga Block. Continue this cycle clockwise with each player continuing to have a turn until the blocks fall.

#6 THE END: When any portion of the stacked blocks fall, the game is over. The person who's current turn it was is the loser. p.s. the loser sets up the next game or puts the game away. 

#7 THE WINNER: The winner is the last person to successfully pull a block and place a block back on the Jenga tower without it falling. 

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