How To Build a Giant Jenga

How To Build a Giant Jenga

Want to learn how to build your own backyard Jenga? We can show you! Follow this step by step guide!: 

  • 1. Buy good quality 2x4's.
  • 2. Sanding down the 2x4's.
  • 3. Make a jig. 
  • 4. Cutting down the 2x4's.
  • 5. Sanding down the edges.
  • 6. Setup and start playing. 

Time Spent: 2.5 hour

#1 BUY GOOD QUALITY 2X4'S: Look for straight, clean cut boards with as few imperfections, holes and marks as possible. This will help our process later. You will need (6) 8 foot 2x4's.

#2 SANDING DOWN THE 2X4'S: Before we move to our next step you will need to grab an electric sander. The best sander for this project is an orbital sander which will allow you to sand the entire 2x4 smooth before we make any cuts. This step is the most tedious and requires attention to detail. The smoother you sand your blocks, the easier they will slide during play.

#3 MAKE A JIG: Our next step requires us to prep our cutting space. The best way to make a jig is using a scrap piece of wood and a clamp. In this step we want to measure twice and cut once, as the old saying goes! Measure out a space 10.5" plus the width of your saw, mark your spot and set up your jig. Now each time you go to cut, you will not have to measure each block. 

#4 CUTTING DOWN THE 2X4'S:  Now that you have your jig set to cut every 10.5" you just need to cut all 54 blocks. Each 2x4 should give you 9 blocks.

#5 SANDING DOWN THE EDGES: Take each block and bevel the edges to allow for a smooth finish. We don't want any splinters or sharp edges.

#6 SETUP & START PLAYING: Play your new 54 block giant jenga! If you're looking for a coated and protected set of blocks or a custom set, check out our giant tumble blocks! 


As always please wear proper protective equiptment and safety gear. Be sure to maintain a safe work environment and follow all of your safety instructions listed in your equiptment manuals. The grain gurus are not liable for any damages, liabilities, accidents, harm etc.. caused by following these instructions or playing this game. 

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